Who’s this?

Hi, I’m Matthew. I’m a product designer, frontend developer, maker of all things digital, working remotely from Manchester, UK.

Right now I’m working on my side projects, while looking for a long-term product I could get stuck into. If you are working on one and looking for a product designer, get in touch.

Recently, I’ve made sharedthis.email, a platform for publishing emails. Feel free to check out my other side projects.

I’m most active as @matthewmorek on Twitter, where I share stuff I work on and tweet about design and development. You can also find me on GitHub where I experiment with code.

What can you do?

Here are some of the things I can do. I spend a lot of time learning things that help me grow as a designer and developer.


Interaction Design

My bread and butter; I’ve been doing this almost every day for the past 12+ years professionally.

Information Architecture

I also have been doing this for a number of years. Literally a foundation of any UI project I do.

Visual Design

I don’t do branding or illustration but can pull of simple icons. My strength is UI design though.


Origami Studio, Sketch, HTML/CSS/Vue, depending on required fidelity.


Not my strongest skill, as I usually work with dedicated research specialists. I usually do a mix of usability reviews and heuristics.


Mostly working in CSS/JavaScript so far, but I’m learning Flow for UI animation and working on expanding beyond transitions.



My go-to tools of trade when working on the Web. I’ve been doing this as long as I do design.


I work with Vue most days since v2 came out. Used it to build Tramspotter, Blindfold and have done a lot of commercial work with it.


I frequently build stuff with Node, such as the freshly launched sharedthis.email. Very versatile and easy to pick up. It’s just JavaScript after all.


I spent a year working with React, Redux, and Storybook on a commercial project. While the project was fun, working with the React stack was definitely not as fun.


I’m learning this as part of a quest to start building my own iOS and macOS apps. So far, I really like the language.